By Cam Lucadou-Wells
A further step has been taken to turn the former Maralinga Primary School site into housing.
The State Government, which owns the site, will seek to rezone the 9 Maralinga Avenue site as a Neighbourhood Residential Zone. It is taking public submissions on the issue.
According to the proposal, the Government is not seeking to rezone and sell its portion of the adjoining Chandler Reserve.
The portion, which makes up the majority of the reserve, is being leased by the City of Greater Dandenong.
Bryan Hunter, who has led the Maralinga Community Garden project in Chandler Reserve, hoped the sell-off didn’t mean “lots of town houses over my back fence”.
More traffic in neighbouring streets was another concern.
“I know something has to happen there. As long as it’s not a huge impact,” Mr Hunter said.
“I’d like to see a sustainable housing development rather than fitting as many houses as you can.
“Hopefully nothing more than two storeys, and they’ll allow some open space.”
After the school closed in 2014, the Department of Education and Training (DET) declared the site was surplus to its needs.
The school buildings were demolished in 2017 despite a residents’ petition to reopen the school.
A State-commissioned report identified a variety of mature trees on the site.
Last year, residents expressed concern about the State Government possibly selling off its portion of Chandler Reserve.
The DET didn’t comment before deadline.
A Planning Panels Victoria public hearing into the rezoning is expected in February.
Public submissions are open until 18 December.