By Jonty Ralphsmith
An all-female ‘Try a Tech Trade program’ will run at Dandenong Chisholm on Saturday 26 June from 10am-3pm.
Run by the Australian Industry Group, in collaboration with other organisations including Chisholm, the program seeks to address staffing shortfalls and gender inequality.
Many trading employers are crying out for staff and often have a disproportionate number of males compared to females, despite the clear benefits, according to AIG’s Sonya Casey.
“Having a woman in a team in your workplace can often improve the decision making skills of the team, they have different methodology by which they will attack problems,” she said.
“It is very healthy to have diversity of gender in work teams as well as diversity of culture and age.”
We desperately need women who are vaguely interested to become very interested.
The purpose of the project is to employ 50 females and apprentices or trainees 30 engineers, 10 IT, 10 industry.
As a hub for industrial activity, Dandenong was selected as the location.
Lunch will be provided and two female tradies will be involved, with a question and answer session part of the day.
For more information, contact Sonya on 0428 677 445