By Cam Lucadou-Wells
VCAT has approved a five-townhouse development on a single-dwelling block in Springvale, despite opposition from Greater Dandenong Council.
GrayKinnane Pty Ltd appealed to VCAT for the permit for four double-storey homes and a single-storey home at 14 Bessemer Street.
In a decision on 20 June, VCAT member Dalia Cook noted the land was “ripe for redevelopment for medium density housing”.
It was in the “immediate periphery of Springvale major activity centre” and near “relatively high” numbers of similar townhouses, Ms Cook noted.
Ms Cook stated the proposal was more “restrained” than nearby “robust” apartment buildings. A third storey was permitted under the zone controls.
“I find that the proposal would represent an entirely comfortable fit in terms of neighbourhood character.”
Greater Dandenong had refused a permit for an earlier proposed version.
At the hearing, the council submitted the amended design had insufficient setbacks, “flat” façades and inadequate landscaping opportunities.
Ms Cook noted the area had been recently rezoned from Residential General Zone 1 to RGZ 3, which put more focus on quality landscaping.
She stated the proposed five new canopy trees including maples and crepe maples with shrubs, ground covers, lawn and ivy was “more fulsome and diverse” than recent developments in the area.
The façades were “entirely consistent” with other emerging townhouses, as was the high amount of parking and driveway space on the site.
“In the context of this particular setting, I find that the proposal would represent an entirely comfortable fit in terms of neighbourhood character.”