Dandenong style entertainment

Mia (7.5 yrs) with a Crepe. Picture: ROB CAREW. 315334_01

By Sahar Foladi

City of Greater Dandenong does not disappoint when it comes to World Fare Night at Dandenong Market.

The event runs through January with the last night this Thursday from 5-9:30pm – great timing for families and anyone.

The Market’s General Manager Ian Sumpter said 8,000 people from the community attended last week.

“It was amazing. More and more people are finding about it from family and friends so next week being our last one will be a block buster.”

The first night market took place in 2020 and this year has been the first season since the pandemic.

“We have street theatre, music, cultural performances, boutique stalls, all supported by incredible Dandenong community and if you want options from every cuisine, we have South-East street food, Sri Lankan, Mediterranean, Vietnamese and more. There’s something for everyone,” Mr Sumpter said.

He said planning for 2024 will start soon.

“The community love, it we love it, and we hope we can keep it on events calendar.”

The last night market is this Thursday with a different theme every night.

To celebrate the Lunar New Year, there will be a spectacular lion dance.

“It’s a joy to blend food, culture, music and retail for an adventurous free family-friendly event, and adds summer vibes to the South East,” Mr Sumpter said.

The dance floor was packed right through the end of the night.

“We want people to make the most of their summer nights,” Mr Sumpter said. “Arrive hungry!”

With Market events like this, the vibrant diverse community of Greater Dandenong is the place to be entertained and fed.