Palestinian flag hoisted high

Everyone cheered and clapped as the Palestinian flag was hoisted. Picture: SAHAR FOLADI. 381660_04

by Sahar Foladi

Thousands of people cheered as the Palestinian flag was hoisted high at the Harmony Square in Dandenong following Jumah (Friday) prayer.

Almost 3000 people from all walks of lives gathered on Friday 29 December in support of the Palestinians suffering from the constant bombing by Israel.

Organised by the Australian International Aid, its president, Ahmad Hawili said it’s important to demonstrate the concerns of the community as they are grieving.

“This flag is significant that our humanity and grief aren’t selective and serves as reminder of the ongoing indiscriminate and disproportionate assault on Gaza.”

The flag will remain hoisted for seven days however councillor’s Rhonda Garad and Jim Memeti will advocate for an extension.

“We will be pushing hard for that to remain up until a ceasefire, it’s for the awareness because it’s easy for people just to forget that this is happening,” Cr Garad said.

“I think it’s ironic in a way that we had gathered under the Christmas decoration because Christmas in Bethlehem had been cancelled due to atrocities in Gaza.”

Police were also in attendance around the crowd to ensure public safety as thousands stood for prayers in a strong display of community and unity for “humanity to awaken.”

Councillor Garad said the ongoing protest not only serves as an awareness in the community but also assists the communities affected locally.

“I feel these protests are a relief from the constant despair.

“Every time I open social media and the newspaper, I see children in distress, the slaughter of good people for no justifiable reason and the world just stands by, that’s the part you can’t come to terms with.”

The event was largely supported by local mosques in the community as well as Councillors Memeti and Garad who’d passed on the notice of motion for a ceasefire on Monday 27 November.

In a speech following the Jumah prayers, councillor Memeti said the Palestinian flag is a “symbol of our unwavering commitment to peace, urging an end to the suffering in Gaza.”

“We reflected and remembered those who have been killed in Palestine, prayed for the families grieving and also prayed for those still living in the shadows of war and conflict.”

Volunteers Amanda and Chloe who work with the Socialist Alliance, Free Palestine Dandenong, AIA amongst other groups across Melbourne to “grow the movement everywhere” said everyone here either have lost a family member in Palestine or know someone who’ve lost a loved one.

“It’s a very beautiful show of community in solidarity, it’s very important for particularly now when the oppression has escalated,” Amanda said.

“A lot of the migrant and Muslim communities feel let down by the Australian Labor Party for not calling an immediate ceasefire so there’s a lot that local communities can do to pressure their local MPs to call for certain demands,” Chloe said.

The Australian International Aid has served the community locally as well as internationally for over a decade now, standing by those who’re oppressed as they demand and stand for justice.

Recently the organisations held two of its most successful fundraisers for Gaza in its history over a period of two days from Thursday 7 December to Friday 8 December.

“This is an indication of our community’s support for the Palestinian people and the grief they are feeling,” Mr Hawili said.

Previously, the organisation held prayers for Palestine at Harmony Square and will continue to stand by Palestinians, strive for peace, justice through their humanitarian and social efforts.