One United force at Lyndale

The Under-11 team are part of exciting times at Lyndale United FC, back, left to right, Sophie Ghougassian, Niki Maragos, Josh Billing, Matthew Luckfiel, Jordan Savrimoutoo, Lachlan Hanson and Giunio Perfetto. Front row, Tyler Whitehead, Arsh Merchant, Oliver Adams, Danilo Vrankovic and Amir Ali Shafahi. 407851 Pictures: GARY SISSONS

By David Nagel

Lyndale United Football Club has its own special and unique formula for measuring its deeds and accomplishments as a sporting club.

Like most clubs it enjoys a smattering of on-field success across its 13 teams in junior and senior competitions; but what sets this club apart is what 2024 looks like compared to seasons gone by.

For the first time – since its establishment in 1977 – the North Dandenong-based club has a senior female football team, while its junior program has swelled from 63 in numbers to just short of 100.

Its success is built on the hard-work of a fresh and vibrant committee; which has a major focus on culture, and the well-being of every single member at the club.

The past is certainly present, with groundsman Charlie Napolitano a founding member and current committee member; but the introduction of the senior women’s program has added a whole new dimension.

“You hear about the positivity of women being involved in sport, but until you see it with your own eyes you don’t fully appreciate it.” said Junior Coordinator Sophie Ghougassian.

“The team is having success, sitting number one on the ladder, but what the club and players have done for each other – in such a short space of time – just reiterates the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes.

“For our junior boys and senior men to see women training at the club; it’s breaking down barriers and that’s a special thing for us all to be a part of.

“The girls are already passionate, they already love Lyndale; and once you’re in, you’re in, it’s one of those clubs that gets in your blood and stays there.

“The women’s team has been a huge win for the club, and I attribute that to the hard-work of the new committee members and their coach Josh Micallef.”

Led by President Scott Fox, the club’s committee of Jack Martino (Vice President), Luca Santucci (Treasurer), James Lasanc (Secretary), Sarah McGlone (Events), Dalibor Saula (Social Media/Sponsorship), Jai Martino (Bar Manager), Ghougassian (Junior Coordinator) and Napolitano (Grounds) have focused on making the club a happy, respectful and affordable place to be around.

The club has worked hard to gain sponsorship; but needs more like-minded backers to jump on board to keep fees and expenses to a minimum.

Lyndale United FC already boasts fees much cheaper than other clubs around the region, but is always seeking to do more.

“The way the world is at the moment, we need to make sure these kids have a place where they can come along and just be happy,” Ghougassian said.

“We also understand that there are challenges for parents in making that happen; so, getting additional sponsors on board will make it easier for us to help in that regard.”

In addition to the four senior teams at Lyndale United FC – three men’s and one women’s – the club also has junior teams in Under 13, Under 11, Under 10 Boys, Under 10 Girls, Under 9, Under 8 and three Under 7 teams.

To help handle the impressive growth, the club also has a dedicated Junior Committee for the first time, consisting of Ghougassian as Junior Coordinator, an assistant Junior Coordinator, a Child Well-Being Officer, a Social Media and Marketing Manager, a Game Day and Fixtures Manager, and an Events Coordinator.

“Personally, I dedicate most of my week to working with our families and committee to ensure all our kids are getting the best experience,” Ghougassian said.

“We have a Child Well-Being Policy and Code of Conduct that is the basis of our club culture

“Culture and passion work hand-in-hand at a sporting club; and it’s a key focus of our passionate committee members to make sure we have a culture that everyone can be proud of.”

Lyndale United FC is also very respectful of its history, with its annual Past Players Day to be run in conjunction with the game against Brighton SC on Saturday 1 June.

Ghougassian expects the club’s home ground at the Lyndale Secondary College to be rocking.

“One day each year we dedicate to celebrating our players and members, past and present,” she explained.

“Players such as Steve King, who, for the entire 42 years of his life, was a member of Lyndale United FC.

“His dad was the president when he was little so Steve and his family spent their entire lives in and around Lyndale.

“We honour players like Steve – who have left us – by playing in their honour and upholding their legacy by celebrating our club and its history.

“People like Charlie (Napolitano) are the heart and soul of this club; and it’s a nice reminder every time we see him around the club of what this place means to people.

“His boys Daniel and Michael are also players in the senior teams and active members of our club and we respect Charlie’s contribution beyond words.”

The club’s focus on culture will also be front and centre when it hosts a charity event for My Room in September this year.

The charity is close to the heart of Lyndale United FC as one of its youngest members, Luka Formoso, has been supported by My Room as he battles Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.