Vic Country local girls profiled

Zoe Besanko will be eyeing a big national championships. 417032 Picture: DANIEL POCKETT/AFL PHOTOS.

By Jonty Ralphsmith

The Vic Country girls squad has been announced for the under-18s national championships, with 10 players represented across Dandenong Stingrays and Gippsland Power.

The Power have five girls in the squad, headlined by gun number one pick contender Ash Centra who, alongside fellow Gippslander Jas Sowden, was part of the Vic Country squad last year.

Zali Gallagher, Zahri Burn, and highly touted bottom-aged talent Ella Stoddart have also made the squad.

Gippsland’s representation follows a strong start to the Coates League season for the improving region.

Meanwhile, Dandenong also have five in the squad, including key-position AFL Academy duo Zoe Besanko and Elli Symonds.

Midfielders Jemma Reynolds and Kayla Dalgleish are rewarded after being pillars of consistency so far in 2024 for Dandenong, while raw talent Makhaela Bluhm has risen quickly.

Vic Country kicks off its carnival against Queensland at 1.30pm on Sunday with the stream available via the AFL website.

Vic Country fixture:

Queensland v Vic Country at Brighton Homes Arena, 1.30pm, Sunday 7 July

Vic Metro v Vic Country, Ikon Park, 1.30pm, Sunday 14 July

Vic Country v Western Australia, RSEA Park, Moorabbin, 12.45pm, Sunday 11 August

Every Vic Country girl profiled

2 – Zali Gallagher

Height: 162cm

Position: Defender

Profile: A tenacious tackler with speed to burn, expect to see her take the game on when she gets it in her hands.

3 – Jemma Reynolds

Height: 163cm

Position: midfielder-forward

Profile: Clean below her knees and excellent with her disposal, her slick skillset and polish will be noteworthy around stoppages.

14 – Kayla Dalgleish

Height: 161cm

Position: midfielder-forward

Profile: Aggressive over the footy and athletic on the spread, her traits are well-balanced for her mid-fwd role. Her stocks have risen in a strong start to 2024.

15 – Jasmine Sowden

Height – 164cm

Position: midfielder

Profile: Attacks the ball with vigour and has a nack of winning the contested footy. Small in stature, but packs a big punch.

16 – Ash Centra

Height – 174cm

Position: Utility

Profile: In the conversation for the number one pick at the AFLW Draft, she is a contested marking weapon,smooth mover and excellent with her disposal.

19 – Ella Stoddart

Height – 173cm

Position: Defender

Profile: Must be close to the most running bounces in the Coates League: one of the most well-regarded bottom-agers, she plays with dare and sets the game up.

20 – Makhaela Bluhm

Height – 172cm

Position: Forward

Profile: Excellent around stoppage and an efficient kick, Bluhm applies pressure and has some x-factor.

28 – Zoe Besanko

Height – 178cm

Position: Forward/ruck

Profile: A confident and athletic key-position player who makes her presence felt around the ground with her marking and can impact the scoreboard.

30 – Elli Symonds

Height – 178cm

Position: ruck/forward

Profile: An explosive and eyecatching tall, Symonds is yet to play this season due to injury and unlikely to take part in the national championships, but a strong bottom-aged campaign has put her in a strong position.

32 – Zahri Burn

Height: 181cm

Position: ruck

Profile: Has improved rapidly in 2024, with her ruck craft and soft taps developing rapidly, while she is learning to impact around the ground.