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No help from shooting victim: police

By CASEY NEILL A KEYSBOROUGH man shot in groin at close range last month is refusing to identify the culprit. Detective Sergeant Brett Kahan said the...

Commuter mayhem as death closes tracks

A FATAL collision at Springvale Railway Station yesterday caused peak hour mayhem for up to 30,000 commuters on the Pakenham and Cranbourne train lines. A...

Discover Your Own Backyard – Greater Dandenong

Grab your passport and get set for a trip around the world - all within the diverse City of Greater Dandenong. The area is...

Video: Break dancers, basketball freestyler hit Dandenong

Basketball freestyler Rashaun Daniels and break dance world champions B-Boy Physicx and B-Boy Leerok wowed a crowd at Dandenong Plaza on Monday. Check out our...

Beatboxing, basketball tricks, breakdancing – hey, it's the circus

By CAMERON LUCADOU-WELLS VIDEO: As with any other circus, the shows start with a drum roll. But add in elements such as high-pitched beatboxing, whirling basketball...


Ahmadiyya wins parking reduction

A place of assembly with a 52-parking space reduction has been approved in central Dandenong. A majority of Greater Dandenong councillors approved the permit for...