Letters to the Editor, Dandenong Journal

Re: Pakula won’t make landfill pledge

Mr Pakula has been conspicuously silent on this and I wonder how many more gaffes we are going to see in this blatant attempt to use a safe Labor seat for political advantage. Maybe the voters should make it marginal and then we’ll see all the politicians out there with shovels.

Alan Hood (via web)

Crestani to contest Senate

Only thing is, by the time the next election comes about, the mosque will be well on its way to be being built and the residents will have missed out. I don’t understand how in a ‘democratic’ country, the objections of 2000 ratepayers is not heard. A travesty of justice.

Kerrie (via web)

Dingley Bypass ‘bulldoze’ anger

Cr Matthew Kirwan was right in asking for a deferment pending a report. It is baffling why the other councillors did not support him. Before councillors make decisions they should avail themselves of as much information as possible. This is what they are obliged to do if they take their jobs seriously. Congratulations, Cr Kirwan, for speaking up. Pity your colleagues don’t understand their duties.

Decisions should be informed (via web)

What an evening

On Saturday evening, April 13, Greater Dandenong Council organised a first-ever event of its kind in our beautiful Tirhatuan Park. Many families gathered, prepared for a night under the stars, in excitement to view the film The Sapphires on a big screen.

Once the clouds gave way to the stars and the wind subsided, it turned out to be a most beautiful night. Lighthearted, multicultural-focused documentaries screened at the start were well selected and entertaining. The organisation was superb and chairs were provided and security and St John’s first aiders were on hand.

The ambience was great, with the aroma of sausages and onions and popcorn being cooked up by the local Rotary club, which ran and drew a raffle of good prizes. There was even an ice-cream van around. Congratulations to Cr John Kelly for his vision and community awareness.

Dawn F, Dandenong North

Re: Anzac Day dawn service

I hope residents will avail themselves of the free bus to the dawn service, which is a moving experience and a peaceful tribute to our war-time history.

Cybil (via web)


IN the lead-up to the Lyndhurst byelection, the Weekly requires all letters and comments on municipal issues submitted for publication, whether online or in print, to carry the author’s or commentator’s full address and telephone number, for purposes of verification only. The Weekly reserves the right to exclude material that is not fully identified. The editor’s decisions on such matters will be final.

The Journal welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email eastletters@mmpgroup.com.au. Post a web comment to any story on this website.

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