Traders’ survival doubts

Steve Khan, with Abida Khan, says Little India traders' questions have not yet been answered. 235846_06 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Traders say they are worried about their survival in the proposed redevelopment of the iconic Little India precinct.

Under the $600 million proposal by Capital Alliance with Development Victoria, Little India’s shops would be shifted to a new laneway between Halpin Way and Foster Street.

Construction of that phase is expected to start in 2023, with six stages across other sites in the next 15 years.

Little India Traders Association spokesperson Steve Khan said there were concerns that the redevelopment would “break Little India”.

There were many questions yet to be answered, he said.

Such as the fate of the five businesses demolished in Foster Street during construction of the laneway – would they be relocated, compensated and helped to return to Little India?

Mr Khan said traders were worried if they could afford “double or perhaps triple” rents in the new precinct.

Some may choose to stay in Foster Street on the current “reasonable” rent level, but risk not being able to find a tenancy in the new precinct.

He said it was unknown if the laneway would have enough space for the existing traders.

“Another issue is that we’ll have some new competitors moving in.”

Mr Khan argues that the State Government has a moral obligation to look after Little India traders who have been in Foster Street for up to 25 years.

They survived major upheaval during road closures and works in an earlier phase of the Revitalising Central Dandenong project more than 10 years ago.

He says while in opposition in 2013, the state ALP promised traders that “your future was with Labor”.

“They said we will be looking after you and make sure everything is sustainable. So we would like to bind the Premier to that promise.”

Mr Khan said developer Capital Alliance had made no assurances or promises to protect traders.

According to a State Government release, the new Little India will have more modern facilities and services, and better spaces for tenants.

In the seven-stage redevelopment, the lane is being built first to minimise disruption to its traders.

The first stage also includes a nearby supermarket, food market hall and residential building off Halpin Way, Gilbert Lane and Thomas Street.

Greater Dandenong mayor Jim Memeti said the council would advocate for an “appropriate transition plan to best support our existing traders in the Little India precinct”.

The traders would be the “most impacted by the staged redevelopment of the site”, he said.

“Council supports the delivery of a new Little India precinct to maintain the strong cultural identity of the precinct and to support our valued traders.”

Cr Memeti welcomed the draft masterplan to “transform central Dandenong into a vibrant residential, retail and commercial hub” as well as deliver “significant employment opportunities”.

It would “restore central Dandenong as the capital of Melbourne’s South East”, he said.

As the 18-year project unfolds, the vision is for at least 470 new dwellings, as well as a 29-storey hotel and conference centre, a school, 29-storey office tower and an outdoor plaza in the precinct.

An urban brewery entertainment district and supermarket will be the last stage constructed from 2038.

The development area focuses on Foster Street, bounded by Settlers Square, Dandenong train station, Halpin Way, Thomas Street and Cheltenham Road.