New Strategy to help Dandenong from poverty

Mayor Cr, Jim Memeti at the launch of the Strategy at the Anti Poverty Week in Dandenong Harmony Square. 304403_10

Greater Dandenong City Councillors have endorsed the Anti-Poverty Strategy 2022-25, which sought to address the complex issues of poverty in the community.

The Strategy was designed in partnership with organisations that support vulnerable members of the community including consultation with more than 120 community members who spoke about their own lived experience.

The Strategy was launched at an Anti-Poverty Week event in Harmony Square, Dandenong, on 19 October.

Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said poverty was a shared responsibility.

“Poverty is everyone’s business. It will take time and a whole of community approach to tackle.”

The Strategy acknowledged many vulnerable residents in the community and addressed their needs to make a lasting change.

“We will advocate for resources needed in our community and for better co-ordination across all levels of government and services,” the Mayor said.

The event brought together key community support organisations who share their work, services and encouraged wider community advocacy to reduce poverty in Greater Dandenong.

Visit to view the endorsed Strategy.