By Sahar Foladi
Victoria Police have issued a critical road safety alert during this festive period, an especially high-risk period for death and serious injury.
The alert comes after ten lives were lost just for the month of November, bringing total lives lost to 232 compared to 209 last year and now police are determined to avoid last year’s replay.
“We are entering a particularly high-risk period on Victorian roads that saw 11 live lost in 11 days last year. Now is not the time to be complacent when getting behind the wheel,” Justin Goldsmith said, Assistant (acting) Commissioner Road Policing.
Poor compliance with common road rules, such as failing to give way and failing to keep left were factors to fatal collisions during the period from 22 November to 2 December.
Distractions such as mobile phone were the most common factor in accidents during this period.
“Unfortunately, it was distraction and basic road user errors during this period last year that resulted in the most fatalities, which just shows that a simple lapse in concentration can have catastrophic consequences,” Mr Goldsmith said.
Victoria Police will increase its enforcement efforts and remain highly visible on roads throughout December, with state-wide road policing operation in place before Christmas.
Focus on alcohol consumption and drug testing will be increased during this period and police have warned motorists to plan ahead when attending social events during this festive period.
“Police will be doing everything they can to reduce road trauma during this high-risk period, but we need everyone to do their bit”
To keep yourself, your family and Victorian roads safer, do your part and follow common road rules, do not speed, stay alert to avoid potential collisions from other cars and plan ahead.
These steps are simple but ultimately life-saving measures that every motorist can take to protect themselves and others.