Work together for brighter future

by Bill Kean of the Baha’i Community of Greater Dandenong

As I contemplate writing this article I find myself posing the question:‘ What is causing this general feeling of apathy and hopelessness that has gripped many communities, whether locally, nationally or internationally?

Is it the dire effects of climate change, the rampant racism, the scourge of drug addiction, the wars and rumours of wars, terrorism with its fanatical fervour, disillusionment with the political elite and the lack of accountability, religious intolerance and the many forms of prejudices that pervade society, or perhaps the ever-widening disparity between the haves and have nots, etc.

None of these things will be overcome by wishful thinking.

What makes it more unbearable is that these events are not thrust upon us by some unknown malevolent entity but are self-inflicted, mainly by ourselves, through ‘our’ own actions or perhaps non-action.

The prevailing cult of individualism has spread to most parts of the world and in the ‘pursuit of happiness’ has given a sense of personal entitlement, much to the detriment of community life.

If anything was learned from the recent disasters here in Oz, it was that by sticking together and through collaboration, much more can be achieved, than by going it alone.

Before doing extensive renovations to a home, it is vital to ensure that it has a solid foundation.

So, is there an answer?

The sooner we recognise the principle of the ‘Oneness of Humankind ‘, the quicker we can achieve the unification of the Earth’s inhabitants.

Until this matter is addressed, none of the ills afflicting our world will be rectified, because the challenges we face are mainly global.

‘The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens’.

If the commonly accepted Bible version of the Golden Rule ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you‘, as taught by other major religions, albeit in various forms, was to be practised by the world’s populace, then overnight, the outcome world-wide would be truly astonishing!

It is clear that a real effort is needed urgently and that it is mainly a matter of attitude.

The greater the turmoil we experience the more people everywhere will realise something has to change.

This should not, however, be a cause for despair but an incentive for every individual/community to participate in laying a new course for the planet’s future.

Let’s face the challenge – with hope!

– Message of Hope is a regular column featuring the Internet Network of Greater Dandenong. For details about the Interfaith Network, contact or 8774 7662.