Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society
100 years ago
27 October 1921
Busy Sunday for Dr
Last Sunday afternoon was signalised by no less than three accidents all of which were tendered to by Dr Langley. A little girl named Foster was brought in from Keysborough, suffering with a broken arm which was set by the doctor and the child was allowed to return home. Later a child named Asling was brought in from Narre Warren also suffering from a broken arm and was similarly treated by Dr Langley. A very serious motorcycle accident also occurred on the Melbourne Road near Oakwood Park. The victim of this accident was Mr Harold Thornton Grimwade of South Yarra. Mr W A Gibson, a witness of the occurrence, went to the assistance of the injured man, whom he placed in his own car, and conveyed him to Nurse Fink’s private hospital in Dandenong. After an examination of the injuries Dr Langley summoned the assistance of two prominent Melbourne medical men. At time of publication, the unfortunate young man is, though not yet out of danger, in a fair way.
50 years ago
21 October 1971
Row on library scheme
Angry parents accused the government of bungling delays and lost correspondence over a proposed library classroom for the Foster St Primary School in Dandenong. Said parents were particularly angry with the minister of education Mr Thompson. He is accused of ignoring their representations. He has also, according to parents, broken his word regarding a school library. The mothers club have been agitating for a school library space since 1967. Given the proposed financial terms between the mother’s club and the government, it would take another 12 years to raise the necessary funds
20 years ago
22 October 2001
New chapter in her career
Natalie Brown, the acting customer service co-ordinator at the City of Greater Dandenong library has won the Margery C Ramsey Scholarship – a $15,000 study tour of libraries in North America. Ms Brown, 26, will visit Phoenix public library association and libraries in Vancouver next year. She will be away two months. “You had to apply for the scholarship and state what benefits such a trip would be to the City of Greater Dandenong libraries and public libraries in Victoria,” she said. Ms Brown oversees the Springvale and Dandenong branch, where there is a staff of about 60. Ms Brown was born and bred in Dandenong and attended St John’s Regional College.
5 years ago
24 October 2016
Jubilee crowd delights traders
More than 28,000 people flocked to Dandenong Market to celebrate its 150th birthday. The Dandenong icon hosted Jubilee celebrations on Sunday 16 October featuring food, rides, entertainment and more. Louise Nay was among the revellers and was pleased to see a “very big crowd“ show up for the occasion. Her family was involved in the journey from livestock market to the huge variety of stalls on offer today.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society