Make a positive start to the day

by Sister Jacqueline Russell of Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning

How do I begin my day?

When we spend some time, and it needs only be a little time, first thing in the morning on some spiritual thought, it will influence how I experience my day.

If there is sweetness there will be authentic, genuine feeling in my words, if there is honesty in my intention there will be positivity in my interactions.

Whatever the events, situations, or different people we meet throughout the day, the responses will be according to my consciousness – positive, peaceful.

It is as though I have set the train of my thoughts, my consciousness, on the rails of the good will I have emerged in myself in my early morning setup.

To be able to maintain such an attitude of goodwill during the day, when there are challenging situations, such as criticisms, or even my own not so good reaction, is to use a spiritual practice.

Recognise, repair if possible, and move on without falling into the trap of guilt or shame.

Reflect on what happened and use the situation to understand more fully the internal self.

This reflection is called spiritual churning to understand how I can change my responses.

Ask myself did my reaction emerge deep seated feelings of inadequacy?

Keep the intention to always maintain a feeling of hope in myself and my ability to change.

This feeling of hope will give me courage to make amends, apologise and if necessary to forgive myself and others.

Each day of the journey of life is full of change, movement, growth, and spiritual development is about ways to embrace change rather than resist it.

This leads to confidence in myself, or self-respect, or personal empowerment and brings hope to the heart.

And at the end of the day, just as I had the intention to start my day with feelings of goodwill, I have the intention to close my day with feelings of achievement having acted in a spiritually positive way.

When I did not meet my own expectations, I stop to rectify it and ask myself: how could I improve the situation and if I could not then accept without judgement.

My intention is to clear my mind before I go to rest and with hope in my heart to hold the intention of goodwill for the next day.