Looking Back

The historic Girrawheen House on Jones Road, Dandenong.

100 years ago

4 September 1924


Friday afternoon, August 22nd, was a most auspicious one at the Springvale State School, for at a banquet given by the teachers, many tokens of esteem and goodwill were expressed towards Mr F Chalmers, the retiring school master, who has given 35 years of service to the district. He was the father of education in this community for the great majority of families who received their educational course from him. Mr Edwards, Truant Inspector, made the presentation – a handsome silver-mounted umbrella – and eloquently unfolded the good qualities and work of the retiring master. Mr Chalmers feelingly and appropriately responded.

50 years ago

3 September 1974


Out by point

At the Junction Oval on Sunday, Oakleigh edged Dandenong out of the VFA premiership battle by a single point. Dandenong was dreadfully unlucky to lose the match, but then the Oaks did not deserve to bow out either. Still the feeling persists that Oakleigh had played its very best while the Redlegs just did not. The last term was filled with drama as Dandenong led by seven points, by one point, then level twice and finally Oakleigh gained a point lead. OAKLEIGH 13.19.97 def DANDENONG 13.18.96 BEST: Geoff Angus, Derek Harrington, Danny Hibbert, Ray Davies, Ray Orchard, Kevin Shinners. GOALS: Jim Miller 5, Pat Flaherty 4, Geoff Jones , Graeme Kendall 2

Estimated attendance – 13.000.

20 years ago

6 September 2004

Buyers to retain historic Girrawheen

The home of former Dandenong Mayor, the late Maurie Jarvis and his wife Gwen was sold at auction last Saturday. The gracious home of Old-English style was named Girrawheen, an aboriginal name for “home of flowers on the hill” and reflected Mr Jarvis’s love of gardening and flowers. The home was built in 1949 by the late Bert Jarvis, Mr Jarvis’s father and designed by local architect Frank Secomb. Before Girawheen was put under the hammer, Mrs Jarvis was concerned about developers moving in. She need not have worried as the purchasers are a local family who will retain the grounds and renovate the home internally while retaining its exterior.

5 years ago

3 September 2019

Council goes green

City of Greater Dandenong plans to use 100 percent renewable energy by the 2020-21 financial year. The goal will be met when the council’s two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) come into place. The first PPA conducted by Procurement Australia covers the council’s public lighting – about 48.6 percent of the council’s electricity needs. The other will cover the remaining energy used at the council’s sites. Both PPA’s renewable energy sources were unknown at this stage. The Council’s Corporate Services Director said: “Once both PPAs are operational, one hundred per cent will come from renewable energy. With both PPAs, we do not know what the impact will have on our carbon emissions at this point. This will be known at the conclusion of the tender process.”

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society