Water saving gets top marks

SPRINGVALE South Primary School has tightened the taps to become one of the state’s first fully accredited water-saving schools.
Local water supplier South East Water congratulated the school on being one of the first to complete the Water – Learn it! Live it! program.
The company will erect a sign in the grounds to announce that it is an accredited water-saving school.
The program is part of the State Government’s Our Water Our Future campaign to educate Victorians on the importance of saving water.
Principal Ruby Toombs said the school was proud of its accreditation and excited about implementing more water saving initiatives.
“Since introducing water conservation into the curriculum we’ve seen significant changes in students’ attitudes towards water saving and this is reflected in their behaviour,” she said.
“A good example is that when it does rain, the students rush to place buckets and containers outside to make sure they capture as much as possible.
“We also have empty ice cream containers placed under water basins to collect excess water, which is used to water the garden.”
Ms Toombs praised grade three and four teacher Sylvia Wellinger for instigating the school’s involvement in the program.
“Sylvia was instrumental in heightening water conservation awareness first in grades three and four and then across the whole school,” she said.
To meet accreditation for Water – Learn it! Live it! the school achieved a series of milestones including participation in National Water Week activities and water conservation development sessions for teachers.
South East Water provides schools wishing to integrate water conservation into the curriculum with a Water – Learn it! Live it! resource kit, designed for primary and secondary schools.
South East Water’s managing director, Mr Dennis Cavagna, said the program helped to save water by providing the latest knowledge to assist schools in raising awareness and reduce consumption at home and school.