Free sport for women of all ages

Social soccer is one of the programs on offer.

By Jonathan McQuie

Throughout March, the City of Greater Dandenong is holding a series of free sports sessions to encourage women to get active.

From Monday 2 March, there will be weekly opportunities for women aged 16 and above to try a new sport.

Touch Football will take place at Ross Reserve, Noble Park, every Monday (except 9 March) from 4pm – 5pm.

Social Soccer will be held at JC Mills Reserve, Dandenong, every Tuesday from 4pm – 5pm.

The program is being delivered in collaboration with Reclink Australia, which provides socially inclusive opportunities to communities through sports and art programs.

Reclink Sports Co-ordinator Samantha Marshall says that fear of judgement is a significant barrier to women becoming less active after the age of 15.

“Sometimes women feel they are not fit enough to take part in an activity, or worry that people are watching.”

The month of free sport is being held in celebration of the This Girl Can campaign, a Vic Health initiative which celebrates and supports Victorian women to embrace physical activity in a way that is best for them.

The program is currently in its third year, and, according to VicHealth, has inspired over 400,000 women to get active.

Though there are many significant barriers to female participation in sports, Ms Marshall says that these barriers can be overcome.

“This Girl Can is just about getting more active. It doesn’t have to be competitive or intense, you just need to get out there.”