Pro-vax campaign ‘success’

Peter McNamara has hailed SECL's vaccination information campaign a success. 258271_01 Picture: GARY SISSONS

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

In recent months, South East Community Links was part of a response to Covid vaccination “fears and misinformation” running across the South East.

In partnership with Monash Health and local councils, SECL ran a Covid vaccination information program with five bicultural workers in South Sudanese, Afghan, Burmese, Vietnamese and Tamil communities.

Through info sessions, Facebook posts and group vaccinations, the program reached more than 3000 people.

“It has been a success and many potentially wouldn’t have been otherwise vaccinated,” SECL chief executive Peter McNamara said.

Many reported being unable to otherwise get to vax clinics due to not having transport.

Others didn’t have access to official information and had their questions answered at the information sessions.

“In our first group vaccination, some people attended to have a look; once they were there, they ended up taking part and getting their jabs,” SECL’s annual report stated.

“Having interpreters present and being in a group, with peer support, has made the difference for so many people getting vaccinated.”