Minister blow to golf club rezoning

There are no plans to rezone Green Wedge sites such as Keysborough Golf Course, pictured, according to Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny. 337260_03 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

by Cam Lucadou-Wells

Environment groups are celebrating a “clear statement” that the State Government won’t support rezoning Keysborough Golf Course for a housing estate.

Developer Intrapac and Keysborough Golf Club have proposed rezoning the Hutton Road course, which is on Green Wedge A land just outside the UGB.

Under the plan, the golf club would relocate to Pillars Road alongside a proposed South East Sports Hub. The existing site would be carved into an estate of up to 1100 dwellings.

In a recent letter, Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny stated the Government was “committed” to protecting the Green Wedge from “inappropriate development” and had no plans to review the Urban Growth Boundary.

The Government’s planning process for rezoning golf courses “does not supersede the green wedge and UGB controls”, she wrote to Greater Dandenong Environment Group.

GDEG president Isabelle Nash said “we consider this a clear statement of that the State Government’s current position is that they currently don’t support changing the Keysborough Golf Course’s green wedge zoning”.

“Greater Dandenong Council should cease cooperating with the developer (Intrapac) and the club on the irresponsible Sports Hub initiative.

We of course remain vigilant on this issue as we realise that the State Government position could change if Intrapac and Keysborough Golf Club keep on pushing for this and put an actual application to the Minister.”

Defenders of the South Green Wedge spokesperson Matthew Kirwan said he was relieved by the “clear” statement.

“It’s so essential that the Urban Growth Boundary remain rock solid.

“One exception opens up the flood gates to further expansion and in Keysborough the word “flood” is very apt.

“Questions would soon be asked about rezoning the flood prone land south of Hutton Rd which would be a disaster for the environment but also the Greater Dandenong ratepayer that would need to foot the bill when flooding occurs.”

Keysborough Golf Club had placed some hope on the Government setting up a Golf Course Redevelopment Standing Advisory Committee for courses inside and outside the UGB.

Captain Darrell Swindells recently told Star Journal that “like the Government, we accept there’s a Green Wedge but we think our site is an anomaly”.

The site was “nothing like most people imagine as Green Wedge”.

“It’s an infill site in a middle-ring suburb, surrounded by existing housing and major roads.

“Listening to what the Government wants, the best way to solve our housing shortage is infill.”