Casey awarded internationally for digital access

The City of Casey's World Smart City Expo Award.

By Emma Xerri

The City of Casey has just been honoured with an award at the World Smart City Expo (WSCE) Awards for the creation and implementation of their highly successful Digital Equity Living Lab (DELL).

While it may have only had a local reach, the program’s life changing impacts have made it supremely deserving of the global honour; receiving the award at the ceremony held in Korea in September, before City of Casey CEO Glenn Patterson was presented with the award by the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Mr Changhoon Yi, at a special ceremony at Bunjil Place on Tuesday 28 November.

“I am delighted to see Council’s leadership in facilitating a program that drives innovation and positive change across our community,” Mr Patterson said.

“Over the past three years, we have seen how important technology, innovation, and data management are in overcoming the challenges of the modern world. It is critical that the community of Casey has access to these tools, and the knowledge necessary to use them.”

Designed to improve access, affordability and digital ability for local residents, DELL has been successful in addressing Doveton’s digital exclusion and promoting a flourishing digital community.

To enable greater internet access, the program rolled out smart benches, smart bus shelters, and seven new free wifi hubs in Doveton.

A community computer hub was also unveiled to promote more equitable access, as well as the delivery of 17 laptops and 100 portable charging devices to members of the community.

But it was the more involved aspects of the program that made DELL as beneficial as it was, with an immersive digital showcase on offer, alongside invaluable Technology Support Sessions and Digital Literacy Programs that helped foster a more empowering digital learning environment for attendees from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

“The DELL program has been a resounding success, showing that the City of Casey is a forward-thinking community that embraces collaboration and digital technologies,” Mr Patterson added.

And although DELL has now come to a close, it is clear from the program’s astounding impact that it should only continue to expand its reach across a larger area of the City of Casey.