Squathouse gets a spruice-up

A squathouse at Sheales Street, Dandenong has been given an overdue clean-up. (Supplied)

by Cam Lucadou-Wells

A residential eyesore in Sheales Street Dandenong has had a long-awaited clean-up.

As reported last week, the formerly attractive home with topiary garden had become a squathouse “wreck” with all of its windows smashed and walls tagged with graffiti.

The yards were strewn with dumped furniture, shopping trolleys and garbage.

In recent days, a person was spotted cleaning out most of the junk and mowed the front and back yards. The interior was also cleaned.

A temporary fence was erected to ward off squatters, vandals and dumpers.

The home has been effectively abandoned, whilst a permit for a four-dwelling redevelopment issued in 2021 remains dormant.

Recently the developer applied for a permit extension.

Greater Dandenong Council’s community strengthening director Peta Gillies said the council was continuing to take “appropriate enforcement activities” at the site.

The council had hired contractors to clean the front of the property.

“We are pleased progress is being made at 23 Sheales Street, Dandenong and are continuing to undertake appropriate enforcement activities in relation to this property.

“As such we are unable to comment further at this time.”

Over the past two years, the council has investigated 64 reported squat houses.

The council’s approach is to resolve the issue with the owners, including to secure, occupy or demolish the property.

“We have successfully resolved issues with 57 of these 64 properties and continue to undertake appropriate enforcement activities in the ongoing cases,” Gillies said.