Poll shock: Richard Lim’s re-election campaign in doubt

Deputy mayor Richard Lim may be out of the election race. (Gary Sissons: 301035_01)

By Sahar Foladi

City of Greater Dandenong deputy mayor’s re-election campaign could be in jeopardy after failing to enrol for the upcoming council election as a candidate.

Cr Richard Lim had long announced he’d switch from Springvale Central Ward to Springvale North Ward in order to see through the Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan.

He may not be able to contest the October council elections as the enrolment date to vote has closed.

Councillor Lim, who lives outside Greater Dandenong but owns a pharmacy in Springvale, was “disappointed” at the circumstances surrounding his ineligibility.

He said he “didn’t know at all” that he wasn’t automatically on the roll.

“If I’m not elected I have fulfilled my dream of Springvale revitalisation and the traffic and parking matters.

“I don’t feel anything. If they don’t want me to stand, I feel glad and I’ll concentrate on my works with Monash Health.”

He is seeking legal advice from his legal team.

City of Greater Dandenong acting chief executive officer, Sanjay Manivasagasivam said council has no role over the nomination process as it’s administered by the Victorian Electoral Commission however it only administers the list of ‘Council-enrolled voters.’

“This list was previously known as the CEO list. It is for people who are eligible to vote in Greater Dandenong Council Elections because they are a local ratepayer or nominee of a business which is a ratepayer.

“Council wrote to eligible business owners and ratepayers to advise of the process for enrolling to vote and included the relevant form. Applications to be included on the list of ‘Council-enrolled voters’ were due by 4pm on 7 August.”

Cr Lim however claims he received no letter at his pharmacy address in Springvale and none of his staff came across such letter.

He says he’s worried that another succeeding Springvale North councillor may not follow onto his dreams for a Springvale with picnic areas, better parking, open space and other aesthetic improvements.

“I will 100 per cent follow up the Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan (as a business owner), I feel sorry for Springvale.”

A VEC spokesperson says if a prospective candidate is not enrolled before the close of the roll, they are ineligible to be nominated.

“There can be no exceptions as this would undermine the impartiality and integrity of the election.

“In December 2023 and again in April this year, we provided communication packs to all councils, including letter templates to advise affected owner ratepayers of the loss of their automatic entitlement and inviting them to re-enrol, as well as letter templates inviting the other 2 ratepayer categories to enrol (occupier ratepayers and corporations).”

They said a “comprehensive” communication and advertising program was delivered to raise awareness around enrolment.

The deputy mayor is seen as a passionate and active member of the council who worked hard to enhance the visual look of the busy Springvale Central and projects like SRAP to attract investments in the area.