24/7 supplies for kids in crisis

Backpacks 4 Vic Kids program manager Bronwyn Smart with CEO Sally Beard in the Keysborough Tiny Site. (Stewart Chambers: 426911)

by Cam Lucadou-Wells

A one-stop stockroom for carers of kids entering out-of-home care has been opened in Keysborough.

Known as a Tiny Site, it gives quick and secure access for first responders and child-protection workers to collect Backpacks 4 Vic Kids care packs.

The packs comprise essentials such as toiletries, clothes, sleepware, a soft toy, book, torch, blanket and other goods that might be the child’s only belongings.

There are also sanitary packs, car restraints, port-a-cots, strollers and nappies available.

Founder and CEO Sally Beard said the supplies make an “extraordinary difference” for children in crisis, escaping family violence and on their way to a place of safety.

“Children are often removed from places of danger in the early hours of the morning when it’s dark, awoken from their sleep and placed in a strange car by strangers, and taken to a strange place with no explanation of what’s going to happen next, and frequently displaced without any more than what they are wearing at the time.

“Whilst some emergency care providers have a large range of items on hand, it’s a huge ask for them to have something for all ages, genders and sizes of the children who might be coming through their doors.

“I’ve experienced this myself as a foster carer but I was able to call on my family to dash to the shops.

“Not everyone has that luxury, and honestly, when kids have just been placed with you the last thing you want to do is put them in your car and go shopping.”

The ME Packs contained things that every child should have “as a minimum” but many of the kids hadn’t had them before.

“Workers have told us the kids are so excited and grateful to be receiving them.”

The Tiny Site – a refurbished and secured shipping container – has been set up at South Eastern Masonic Centre, after some difficulty finding a new home for it.

The container had previously been next to the Level Crossing Removal Project in Abbotts Road, Dandenong South as well as a school, Albert Park Golf Course and Hallam Truck Centre’s car park.

“So this container has travelled but is now comfortably situated in what we believe is an ideal location,” Beard said.

“There is security, lighting and safety for those accessing it.

“Thank you to our friends here at South Eastern Masonic Centre for believing in this project.”

The dream is to have 24-hour access points across the state, as more than 28 babies, children and youth are placed in out-of-home care in Australia every day.

“That’s 28 kids today, 28 tomorrow and 28 every day after that, unable to live safely with a biological parent.”

The site also stocks Youth Outreach Packs designed for youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

They comprise of lightweight backpacks, totes or sports bags containing a single change of clothes, slides or thongs, beanie, toiletries, wipes, notepad and pen.

Tiny Sites also have Sanitary Packs available containing pads, liners, tampons and sanitary bags, available to take with either the YO or ME Packs.

More than 1000 Backpacks 4 Vic Kids care packs had been supplied in Southern Melbourne and Bayside Peninsula since July 2023.