Formoso clan pushes for council

Council election candidates Daniel and Lana Formoso, with their sons Hugo and Luka and dog Jack at the site of a pedestrian crossing at a notorious Stud Road blackspot. (Gary Sissons: 432404)

by Cam Lucadou-Wells

In a surprise move, Greater Dandenong mayor Lana Formoso’s family is set to contest several wards at the Greater Dandenong Council election.

Cr Formoso will re-contest her Noble Park North seat, her husband Daniel Formoso will oppose Dandenong North Ward incumbent councillor Bob Milkovic and her brother Sasha Jankovic will run in Keysborough South Ward.

Cr Formoso and Jankovic are Labor members, while Daniel is a former member still holding “Labor values”.

The move was a “spontaneous” and “very last-minute” decision, after seeing the lack of candidates running in the election, Cr Formoso says.

“It started as a bit of a joke. I asked Daniel why don’t you run in this ward?

“We didn’t see a lot of people putting their hand up. At least we’re giving it a go.”

Cr Formoso said that her family members were “extremely motivated” to run for council after being “inspired” by her own “fantastic” work for Noble Park North.

“They’ve seen how impactful I’ve been as one person. Imagine what more people with the same values can achieve?

“We want to get stuff done.”

Daniel, a horticulturalist and landscaper who has volunteered at Lyndale soccer club, Silverton Cricket Club and Mulgrave Cricket Club, said he wanted improved parks including Lois Twohig Reserve.

Cr Formoso said Jankovic was born and raised in Dandenong, a soccer prodigy who is affiliated with Springvale White Eagles and their church in Keysborough.

In standing for election, Daniel wanted to take a “leaf out of Lana’s book” in running in their home ward.

“You couldn’t have more of an impressive ambassador,” he says.

“I’ve been keen for a long time now.”

Council meeting arguments looked like a “school classroom” at times. “Everyone should be on the same page – if (Lana and I are) both elected, combined we’d have better outcomes,” Daniel said.

When asked how other councillors might feel, Daniel said: “We don’t care. We’re entitled to run, anyone is able to run.”

Cr Formoso said the “dynamic duo” would alternate attending in person at council meetings. The other would stay home and attend online.

She believes a spouse team would be a first for Greater Dandenong, but has precedent in other councils.

“We want to see some changes in Dandenong North.

“I noticed there has been some neglect there and needed some advocacy like the Stud Road crossing.”

She proudly looks at the line markings for a long-awaited signalized pedestrian crossing at Stud Road and McFees Road.

As mayor, she was at the forefront of lobbying for urgent action after the tragic death of a two-year-old boy on Stud Road last December.

In May, state funding was belatedly announced for the ‘shovel-ready’ project.

The project will include flattening the undulating Stud Road surface, as well as a council funded footpath from the crossing to Dandenong Stadium, Cr Formoso said.

Dandenong North independent Cr Milkovic said “Lana did her bit”, as well as lobbying from Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams and Greater Dandenong Council.

“We all advocated for that. But as a council, we had no control over that state project.”

He questioned why the Formoso clan wanted to “cover the council”.

“I’d be a little concerned having three of 11 councillors belonging to the same family.

“I expected the Labor party would be up against me, I didn’t expect the mayor’s husband.

“I’m not sure how the residents will respond – they’ll wonder is this good for us or not?”

In something of a twist, Love Agravante – who is a member of Milkovic’s real estate firm – is running against Cr Formoso in Noble Park North Ward.

He knows of Agravante, but had nothing to do with her candidacy, he says.

Elected in 2020, Milkovic said he’d “tremendously” enjoyed his term as councillor.

He was proud of the start of the Lois Twohig Reserve upgrade masterplan, a well-received upgrade to the active Brady Road shopping strip and improvements to Tirhatuan Park.

“I’ve delivered what the residents were asking for. They are not just my residents, they’re my neighbours.

“You don’t need to spend copious money on research and consultation from outside companies. You just need to listen to residents, apply yourself and push to get our share of the pie.”

Milkovic says most of the resident requests are “everyday stuff” like rubbish collection, facilities, roads and parks being “up to scratch”.

“I’m truly blessed that my residents are easy-going, and are not after anything overly political – like signing nuclear disarmament treaties. Just fix the roads, fix the footpaths, that sort of stuff.”

Cr Milkovic will be opposed by not only Daniel Formoso but other Labor-leaning candidates Branka Tomic and Rhonda Tannous.

“I think it’s important to have an independent presence on council. We need people to represent the residents.”

Tomic is a marriage celebrant and aged care worker, who speaks four languages.

Tannous, who owns Why Not? bakery at Dandenong Market and ran for council in 2016, said she wanted to be the “voice of the community”.

“It’s not about what I want, it’s about what they want.”