100 years ago
22 January 1925
Dandenong West School
The tender of Messrs. J. C. Brockie and Sons, of Gardiner, has been accepted for the erection of a new school at Dandenong West. The contract price is 8750 pounds.
50 years ago
21 January 1975
Why did it happen to us?
This is the anguished question asked by the mother of an 18-month-old boy drowned in a backyard swimming pool in Springvale. She said: “Those sorts of things only happen to people who are careless, or perhaps a better term would be unaware …. unaware of dangers such pools represent.” She talked to the Journal “in the fervent hope” it will spur other parents to take care with protective covers for their backyard pools and that they will push for legislation to make proper protection law. “We thought we had taken the necessary precautions. We had taken out the ladder and emptied the pool. What we didn’t account for was the rain water that had accumulated over the past weeks, and the fact that we had an active little boy capable of more and more every day.”
20 years ago
24 January 2005
Celebrations set to roll
The stage is set for the City of Greater Dandenong Australia Day celebrations. Alan Collier, chairman of the Greater Dandenong Australia Day Committee said his hard-working committee was aiming to entice more multicultural groups to join in the big and colourful parade along Lonsdale Street to the Dandenong Park. The parade will start at 11am when representatives of the various dancing and singing, church, youth and multicultural groups will assemble at the Pillars of Freedom in Clow Street. At 12.15pm the national anthem will be played by the City of Greater Dandenong Band and Scouts and Guides will raise the flag.
5 years ago
21 January 2020
Hearts wide open
They are survivors of war … so when they heard about the devastation of the bushfires it struck a chord with the ethnic Hazara community. Some are refugees, Hazara Australian citizens and asylum seekers – but all were united to give back to a country “that provided us shelter and protection.” At a packed gathering at the Doveton Hall, the Hazara Community presented a cheque for $22,543 to the Country Fire Authority and a further cheque for $133,478 to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund. The donations were raised through campaigns and events organised by community delegates from across Victoria. Sadia Ali said: “We have come from a country that has been ravaged by war and as a result, we understand the pain of our brothers and sisters in the bushfire ravaged communities who have lost their homes, businesses and livestock to the fire across the country.”
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society