Homeless spotlight online

unHOWsed will be screened online by Drum Theatre on Wednesday 18 August.


A brave light on homelessness will be hosted online by Drum Theatre on Wednesday 18 July.

The pre-recorded performance of unHOWSED features women experiencing homelessness taking centre stage and bringing their real voices to a growing issue.

This is followed by a live Q&A with the director and cast, facilitated by Wayss chief executive Liz Thomas.

Homelessness among elderly women is on the rise in Australia, up 31 per cent in the past five years.

Homelessness Australia reports an 83 per cent rise in older women ‘couch surfing’ and 75 per cent more sleeping in cars.

Arts group Tashmadada created the ensemble with an exciting composed soundscape and lighting.

In 47 minutes of stage time, unHOWsed tells real stories with pathos and humour.

Critics have described the work as “one of the most important you’ll see” and a “visceral and provocative” experience that cuts through.

“These are brave, real women, and they’re sharing a slice of themselves with the world,” Theatre Press stated.

The show is suitable for ages 15-plus.

Bookings: https://drum.greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/drum/events/unhowsed-digital-event or 8571 1666