100 years ago
18 September 1924
Show Room Opened at Dandenong.
The Cheney Motors Pty Ltd is well known in this part of the motoring world and they have now taken steps to become known in Dandenong. As advertised in the columns of this paper, they have opened a sales and service station at Dandenong. They have on show two handsome motorcars – a Oldsmobile “six” and a latest Chevrolet model. The Chevrolet’s price – 240 pounds – is a big factor in its growth in favour with motorists. The fuel consumption of the Chevrolet is on the economical basis of 30 miles to the gallon.
50 years ago
17 September 1974
Butt ‘found’ in meat ….
A cigarette butt was found in a packet of chopped steak and kidney bought from a Dandenong butcher. City of Dandenong health inspector told the Dandenong court that a woman bought a quantity of meat from shop 9 in Dandenong Arcade. When the meat was unwrapped, a cigarette butt was found inside. The inspector said he visited the shop and found two empty cigarette packets and 16 cigarette butts on the floor in the back working area of the shop which was the boning, mincing and preparation area. The owner said that he allowed the staff to smoke at lunchtime only. He had since directed the staff not to smoke in the room again.
20 years ago
20 September 2004
Bracks opens Casey Hospital
Premier Steve Bracks opened the $80 million, 229-bed Casey Hospital in Berwick on Saturday. The hospital is part of the Southern Health network. It will start admitting patients early next month. The hospital took two years to build. It will have a staff of about 700. The hospital will take pressure off south-eastern hospitals, particularly Dandenong’s emergency department.
5 years ago
17 September 2019
Oasis loses water
Users of the Dandenong Oasis leisure centre are urging the council to scrap plans to replace the existing 50 metre pool with a 25 metre pool, as per a plan to revamp the ageing centre. Users say the proposal would not meet swimmers’ needs. They allege that they have been told by council officers that the proposed design would lessen the centre’s carbon footprint as it would take less power to heat the pool and that they should use the Noble Park Aquatic Centre’s 50 metre outdoor pool instead. Greater Dandenong councillor Maria Sampey said a 25 metre pool at the Oasis would be built “over my dead body”. “I can’t see us building a 25 metre pool. We can’t spend $65 million of ratepayer’s money and put in something less than what it was, that doesn’t make sense.” The proposal will be put to council on 23 September.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society