Teens arrested in anti-gun raids



Two teens in Dandenong North have been arrested as part of a police operation against illicit firearms used by street gangs.

In a three-day operation from 13 September, Gang Crime Squad detectives arrested three males, issued four Firearm Prohibition Orders and conducted 17 FPO compliance checks on people banned from possessing guns.

During the raids, police seized ammunition, drugs such as cannabis and cocaine, and stolen property.

A 17-year-old Dandenong North boy, alleged to be a street gang member, was found during an FPO search.

He was charged with theft, drug and bail offences by Greater Dandenong CIU detectives in relation to a home invasion in Dandenong North on 15 August.

He was remanded to appear at a children’s court on 1 October.

A 19-year-old Dandenong North man was issued with a caution for possessing cannabis.

A 17-year-old Maidstone boy was charged with possessing a firearm-related item contrary to an FPO, other weapon, drug and bail offences.

He was bailed to appear at a children’s court on 21 October.

Police have powers to serve FPOs on people deemed to be a serious public safety risk if armed with guns.

The FPOs remain for 10 years for adults and five years for children aged 14-17 years. Possessing firearms or ammunition in breach of an FPO is punishable by up to 10 years’ jail.

More than 1100 FPOs have been issued in Victoria since their introduction in May 2018.

Detective Senior Sergeant Danny Travaglini from the Gang Crime Squad said the operation targeted “specific individuals” to deter street gang members from holding illicit firearms.

“It’s also about checking on compliance with the current FPOs we have in place and deterring further offending by those we know that have a history of possessing and using illicit firearms.

“These results highlight the breadth of criminality linked to these street gangs – as part of an operation targeting firearms we’ve also arrested people in relation to serious offences such as home invasions, as well as seizing drugs and stolen goods”

The police operation involved detectives from Hume Crime Investigation Unit, Southern Metro Regional Crime Team, Eastern Region Crime Team, North West Metro Division 3 Offender Management Team, Melbourne Embona Taskforce, Altona Divisional Response Unit and the Dog Squad.

“We will continue to run regular operations such as this to keep Melbourne’s streets safe and put those putting community safety at risk before the courts.”

Any information to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or crimestoppersvic.com.au