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Wake up and be awesome

What inspires us? What makes us get up every day? Where do we find hope? How have I made a difference to my family,...

What’s On

The Wiggles in Noble Park A special performance from The Wiggles headlines a Breaky in the Burbs visit from FM breakfast trio Fifi, Fev &...

Blue light to drum up lymphoedema support

The Drum Theatre will be lit blue from tonight until Sunday 9 March to raise awareness for a little-known chronic illness. The Dandenong landmark is...

Rover set for Mars mission

Is there life on Mars? A bright crew in Police Paddocks Reserve, Endeavour Hills are equipped to help answer that very question. The Monash University Nova...

Moving ahead on PT

Public transport is a key for migrant women moving ahead in their lives, according to organisers of an International Womens Day event in Dandenong...

Floribunda set to bloom at Bunjil Place

An exhibition that celebrates flowers in art is set to open in late March at Bunjil Place in collaboration with the National Gallery of...

Benefits of volunteering

We all rely on community. Our sense of self is wrapped up in the various communities to which we ‘belong’. Your family, sports team,...

What’s On

March Forward This International Women’s Day, celebrate the power of multicultural women’s voices and the crucial role that transport plays in shaping independent lives. Guest...

Looking Back

100 years ago 5 March 1925 52nd BATTALION CONSECRATION OF COLORS An interesting ceremony will take place at the Show grounds, Dandenong, next Saturday., when the King’s colors...

Cutting new pathways

Students took steps down their career pathways at an open day at Chisholm Institute in Dandenong on Wednesday 19 February. The doors were open for...

Greek celebration in music and words

Acclaimed singer-bass duo Deborah Kayser and Nick Tsiavos were the headline act at a Greek Community Book Day at Springvale Library. The 22 February event...

She’s on the Money podcast founder Victoria Devine is coming to Bunjil Place Library

Connected Libraries will welcome Victoria Devine to Bunjil Place Function Centre to celebrate International Women’s Day. Victoria is a retired financial advisor, business owner, podcaster,...


What’s On

Ukrainian Art Exhibition Discover stunning works by Ukrainian artists, 3pm-7pm on 7-13 April as part of the Ukrainian Folklore Festival. - exhibition opening Monday 7 April,...

Looking Back